How to:

AeroPress brew guide
How to use an AeroPress to brew at home like a Japanese coffee master
Ideal for single brews, AeroPress is fast becoming one of the most popular ways to brew coffee – thanks to the simplicity of its design and its ability to deliver consistently high-quality coffee in every cup. Follow the steps below to let our coffee masters guide you in your pursuit of perfection.
What is an AeroPress?
AeroPress is a small, handheld device made from durable plastic that’s used to brew coffee using pressure.
AeroPress brewing equipment
- AeroPress
- AeroPress filter paper
- 15g coffee per serve
- Grinder (if not using ground coffee)
- 250ml fresh filtered water per serve
- Pouring kettle
- Paddle or spoon
- Scales
- Timer
AeroPress brew time, ratio, and temperature:
- AeroPress brew time: 1-2 minutes
- AeroPress grind size: medium
Note: For the best results, we recommend using a coffee grinder and fresh coffee beans, grinding them right before you brew.
- Coffee to water ratio: 15g grounds and 250ml water per serve
- Ideal water temperature: 93 degrees Celsius / about 200 Fahrenheit
Note: If you don’t have a coffee thermometer, we advise to leave boiled water for 1 minute to cool down before pouring to achieve the target extraction and taste from the coffee.
How to brew coffee with an AeroPress
Are you ready to begin?
- Boil your kettle and leave the water to rest for 1 minute.
- Take your scale and weigh out 15 grams of coffee beans per serve (around two tablespoons). Grind your coffee beans to a medium grind.
- Place a filter in the cap and pour a little water through it to prepare the filter and to remove the taste of paper.
- Attach the cap with the filter paper to the bottom of the AeroPress and place it on top of your cup.
- Add the coffee to the AeroPress chamber (using the funnel, if you have one).
- Slowly pour in 250ml of hot water.
- Stir for 10 seconds, then insert the plunger to create a vacuum. This will stop the coffee dripping. Leave the coffee to brew for 30 seconds.
- Plunge slowly and evenly.
- Serve, savour, and enjoy.
- To clean the AeroPress, remove the filter cap and discard the coffee ‘puck’ responsibly (e.g. in food waste / on your plants).
For more tips and tricks to help you in your pursuit of coffee perfection, check out our coffee brew guides.