Brewing guides

How to:

AeroPress brew guide

How to use an AeroPress to brew at home like a Japanese coffee master

Ideal for single brews, AeroPress is fast becoming one of the most popular ways to brew coffee – thanks to the simplicity of its design and its ability to deliver consistently high-quality coffee in every cup. Follow the steps below to let our coffee masters guide you in your pursuit of perfection.

What is an AeroPress?

AeroPress is a small, handheld device made from durable plastic that’s used to brew coffee using pressure.

AeroPress brewing equipment

  • AeroPress
  • AeroPress filter paper
  • 15g coffee per serve
  • Grinder (if not using ground coffee)
  • 250ml fresh filtered water per serve
  • Pouring kettle
  • Paddle or spoon
  • Scales
  • Timer

AeroPress brew time, ratio, and temperature:

  • AeroPress brew time: 1-2 minutes
  • AeroPress grind size: medium

Note: For the best results, we recommend using a coffee grinder and fresh coffee beans, grinding them right before you brew.

  • Coffee to water ratio: 15g grounds and 250ml water per serve
  • Ideal water temperature: 93 degrees Celsius / about 200 Fahrenheit

Note: If you don’t have a coffee thermometer, we advise to leave boiled water for 1 minute to cool down before pouring to achieve the target extraction and taste from the coffee.

How to brew coffee with an AeroPress

Are you ready to begin?

  1. Boil your kettle and leave the water to rest for 1 minute.
  2. Take your scale and weigh out 15 grams of coffee beans per serve (around two tablespoons). Grind your coffee beans to a medium grind.
  3. Place a filter in the cap and pour a little water through it to prepare the filter and to remove the taste of paper.
  4. Attach the cap with the filter paper to the bottom of the AeroPress and place it on top of your cup.
  5. Add the coffee to the AeroPress chamber (using the funnel, if you have one).
  6. Slowly pour in 250ml of hot water.
  7. Stir for 10 seconds, then insert the plunger to create a vacuum. This will stop the coffee dripping. Leave the coffee to brew for 30 seconds.
  8. Plunge slowly and evenly.
  9. Serve, savour, and enjoy.
  10. To clean the AeroPress, remove the filter cap and discard the coffee ‘puck’ responsibly (e.g. in food waste / on your plants).

For more tips and tricks to help you in your pursuit of coffee perfection, check out our coffee brew guides.

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